Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Bush has again proved that he is incapable and incompetent. Doesn't he know anyone more capable outside of his circle of trust? He puts people who he trusts/loyal in top jobs even though they barely meet the standards and qualification for the job. Here are my favorites
1. Alberto Gozales in justice department
2. Micheal Brown the chief of FEMA who got fired recently. He was the president of Arabian Horses Association with no background on emergency management.
3. Linda Chavez as labor secretary who withdrew from candidacy
4. His nominee for DHS Bernard B. Kerik who withdrew
5. Timothy Flanigan as deputy attorney general who Mr.Bush himself withdrew the nomination
6. The nomination of Bolton for U.N. Though he had the qualification, he chose the wrong person for job at hand which is to bring the world together. Bolton is known to be divisive and people including Colin Powell thought that it wasn't a good choice
7. Paul Wolfowitz who is now the president of the World bank knows only how best to kill people and have no background on macro economy. Compare him with the last president!
8. And the latest, Harriet Miers who has no judicial background other than being a private lawyer now being appointed for the nation's higest court

What is going on? Nothing. Good for the rest of the world. Bad for America. The American people are shooting themselves in the foot by letting these happen. The capitalistic attitude is completely missing in these nominations by picking the top candidate for the job. There is a saying that Bad hires end up making more bad hires and here is an example right before our eyes.

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