Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Why I think Lauren Turner should have been fired?

First off she wrote a post critisizing the sicko movie by Micheal Moore (which by the way is a must see). She used the corporate blog to write her personal opinion despite the obvious conflict of interest. She then did a follow up blog to do damage control. I still think her response is not genuine but instead standard corporate speak. What up with her usage of "some readers"? The whole blogsphere was disappointed and some furious about the blog post and she claims that only some misread here quote?

"...Not so good is that some readers thought the opinion I expressed about the movie Sicko was actually Google's opinion. It's easy to understand why it might have seemed that way, because after all, this is a corporate blog. So that was my mistake -- I understand why it caused some confusion."

It is despicable for her to even claim that advertising is a democratic medium and so was o.k for the Healthcare industry to put ads for the search keywords. BULLSHIT. In fact it is dictatorship and one sided since there aren't many people/non-profits who can afford to compete with the Healthcare industry. The whole primise of the blog was about how the industry can buy ads and use Google's dominance to suppress dissent with the current healthcare system.

I still think she should be fired...


Anonymous said...

You should be fired for wasting my time.

1138 said...

She should be fired and google should retract her blog and suspend the ads she solicited.

This is unethical behavior and a violation of Google's own policies.

Anonymous said...

I agree. The web isn't 100% for advertising. The so-called health blog is just embarrassingly unambiguous solicitation for advertising.

Take down the blog and hire marketing folks w/ both ethics and a little pride.