Saturday, July 26, 2008

Books of the month

I found some time to read 2 books in the last one month. Finding time is unusual when you have a full time Microsoft job and 2 very active kids. But I squeezed time here and there and I am glad I picked both of the following books.

No Tech Hacking
Really opened me up to the world of possibilities. Sure I knew about Social engineering attacks etc. But who knew social engineering field was this broad? The Author touches upon the wider world of physical security and its flaws as well. We often talk about how a chain is as strong as the weakest link. And we software folks often discuss only about securing software in terms of cyber attacks. But humans as always are the weakest links in any security chain and shows how armed with nothing, he could penetrate a network or gain access to where he shouldn't be. Good read.

2. Upgrade Your Life: The Lifehacker Guide to Working Smarter, Faster, Better
This is a very quick to read and at the same time, will make you so productive. I have started applying some of the suggestions and ROI is as promised. This books is also available online at


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