Friday, April 22, 2005

How the press and everyone totally got it wrong!

I am talking about the controversy about Microsoft dropping the support for House bill 1515 which failed by one vote in the washington state. Nothing could be farther from the truth if anyone accuses Microsoft of discrimination or trying to push policies to that effect. Microsoft is probably the only company on the planet that fosters employee diversity more than any company and does not tolerate discrimination based on anything. If anyone of you ever had the opportunity to read his e-mail to employess today, no one would question or doubt microsoft's commitment. His statement pretty much boiled down to "Over my dead body" regarding any compromise on diversity and he expressed his personal support to the bill.

If you have been following my blog, you would realize that I am critical of Microsoft on many aspects. But on this issue, please give Microsoft the credit it deserves for doing the right thing. Despite its excellent track record on diversity, it cannot and should not take sides on social issues like this one for the reason that it would alieniate one group for the other.

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