Saturday, June 24, 2006

Can Microsoft really execute?

Today's commentary is about the Win FS announcement. Sorry folks, I have to be honest here and write what is currently going through my mind.

The first thing that came out of me as I was reading the team blog was the four letter word along with huge amount of frustration. I am really starting to doubt if Microsoft could pull projects of this size and complexity these days. What is wrong with you people? I am starting to think that Microsoft is better of writing some web application that we call "Live" and should just be content of accomplishments.

My frustrations are multi-fold:
1. It was originally part of Vista and was one of its pillars before it was pulled out. It was announced that it would be available for XP+. I breathed a sigh of relief hoping that the folks running the project at least by then realized what needed to be done and how far they are from shipping this thing.

2. After that, Microsoft kept drumming up this thing and never even mentioned what was going on internally building hopes that this will finally ship as promised.

3. Now comes the announcement that WinFS will be "morphed" into something else and will be shipped with SQL/ADO.Net. I just prey that at least what Microsoft is saying now is true and will stick to it.

4. Beyond all, what surprises me is that the folks running this operation seemed to have no idea about what it is since I kept seeing the re-positioning of the product/platform in the last 5 years or so. I thought they are paid big bucks to strategize and come up with long term vision. If one can screw up things this badly, I am going to send my resume for a VP position in Microsoft.

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