Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Flag amendment fails by one vote

MSNBC Story link

..A constitutional amendment to ban flag desecration died in a Senate cliffhanger Tuesday, a single vote short of the support needed to send it to the states for ratification a week before Independence Day.

For me, what pisses me of more is wearing the flag as underwear or bra which I see quite often. If the senate included all forms of flag desecration, I would have been satisfied. But trying to ban just one form of it which does not happen a lot seems like a political thingy. BTW, I would never burn a national flag to show my opposition as it is not very civil but I just don't think passing yet another law is the correct thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was more than passing a law - this was about amending the U.S. Constitution to limit the first amendment. While you may not ever want to burn an American flag (nor would I); it is our responsibility as citizens of this country to defend the constitutionally granted right of others to do so.

Like you, I find the grandstanding wholely distasteful but in this case, the effort is completely misdirected.