Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Can Isreal do any worse?

There are only 2 things I firmly recognize and accept about Isreal
1. Its right to exist and its sovereignty
2. Its pre 1967 borders

Everything else about it its settlements, its aggression and its policies are despicable. What makes them think that they are above all?

First its response to Hezbollah, is completely unacceptable and shows a bullish attitude. I am not talking about its attacks on the Hezbollah establishments. But on the the lebanese airport, military establishments and civilian infrastructure. This is all bull shit. The Lebanese government is a coalition government and has a hard time negotiating/controlling the organization. We should let an international body to handle it rather than taking matters into its own hands. I feel sorry for Lebanon.

Secondly, the conflict started because of Hezbollah taking 2 military prisonars hostage. This is such a small event which could have been handled diplomatically but instead Isreal chose to go out on a full offensive resulting in more deaths of Isrealis (30 so far I belive). Does this make sense? Seriously not, at least to me. It just seems that they just using this as a pretext to do the Hezbollah cleanup and has been in the works for a long time.

Pre-emptive strikes or war is unjustified period.

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