Thursday, August 10, 2006

If Israel did not exist...

Please read this first before jumping into conclusions. I am a christian if it matters. I read a lot and thought about a lot and was even pondering (fearing) about being labelled as anti-semetic. But I just want to say it since there is no point in believing in one and not acknowledging it. I wonder if mid-east (the whole sub continent) could have been at peace if the country Israel did not exist. I would have to re-iterate here that I am not saying Jews should not exist. In fact, they have all the right to live and enjoy life just as every one of us have and do (I even have couple of jewish friends with whom I discuss the mid-east conflict). I say this because every mid-east conflict has the country Israel behind it (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebonon, Palestine etc etc). I do not see any end to the violence since Israel is continueing its occupation and expansion (especially the settlements) and the affected parties are not willing to give away an inch taken from them.

What really perplexes me is that the Arab/Persian countries have so much clout (in terms of oil) and money, they are not willing to come together to bring a resolution to this issue. I really wish they put their differences behind and work towards a common goal of achieving stability and peace in the region by using their political clout.

I empathize with Palestinians and lebonaese who lost their lives or displaced by this conflict more and I feel sorry for them.

I request that you watch this documentary Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land which touched me a lot and talks about most of what I have gathered and found out. If you are touched by this documentary, please pass this on.

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