Sunday, February 05, 2006

All because of cartoons?

Muslim world enraged by cartoons

I don't believe this. This more or less confirms my belief that the Islam is not a progressive religion at all and Muslims by far the most close minded compared to any society.

Well, there is always a camp that says "Hey, not all muslims are like that yada yada yada...". But if that camp is a minority and cannot control the events that are happening (I am talking about the violent protests and burning of embassies), I am to believe that most are on the other camp.

With most of the Islamic nations having blasphemy laws that could hang a person just for his views or for exercising his freedom of speech or expression, I don't think I would ever consider living in one of those nations and they shouldn't expect my sympathy and support ever.

To me, there are no sacred cows and everything is subject to scrutiny and I strongly believe in freedom of speech no matter what they have to say.

Grow up guys for your good!

[Update on Feb 6th, 2006] Wikipedia has the most comprehensive report I can find on the web. Fantastic and be sure to check that out.

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