Saturday, February 18, 2006

Stop the insanity Mr.Muhammed

I was reading Imran Anwar's In My Humble Opinion to get some ideas about what the other side has to say about the controversial cartoons. But he is not very convicing (at least to me) since his arguments are pretty baseless. He gives the following example:

"...Would all these "fair and balanced" media and publications, from Denmark to France to the USA, publish cartoons (in the name of free speech if not on merit) showing Prophet Jesus Christ as a nasty, pedophile, Homosexual telling his homosexual apostles and followers to become Christian priests and rape little boys in Churches?"

I am a christian and I have no problems with that whatsoever and it did not get infuriated as the muslim world did. Why do they care so much about what a non-believer has to say about their beliefs? A better response would have been to simply express their disagreement through BoyCott of the publications or media that is not sensitive to their feelings and start a more meaningful dialog instead of burning the embassies or killing the people.

He goes on to say the following:
"... I also don't think either cartoon would get published - at least in America or Europe because they would be considered "offensive" or "bigoted" .... Sorry, free speech is not so free and it depends on what country you are in and what group you dare to attack. Shameful double standards!"

Even if that happens in America, I am sure people are not going to burn the newspaper building or kill people. Sure there will be some protests but I am not expecting to see stupidity. Since he mentioned this, it occured to me what if an American newspaper invites cartoonists from Middleeast and portray Jesus the way they want to and pusblish it? It would teach the world muslims how different we are from them. But I don't think anyone here has the courage to even think or do it.

My word to the muslims is, Grow up guys!

1 comment:

lushootseed said...

I apologize Imran if I misrepresented your thoughts in the blog. I will read it again when I get time. Thanks for dropping by!