Sunday, February 05, 2006

OMG, OMG, I got one!

You sure heard me complain a lot about it. But I had the luck of getting "My precious" XBox 360 last week. It wasn't a planned hunt and was checking out something else in CompUSA and happened to ask the store clerk if they had anything in stock and the rest is history. The funny part was that I almost got that for free. The sales person thought I had already paid for my 360 and was letting me walk away w/o having to pay for it. Being a very honest person :-), I told her that I hadn't paid for it and duly paid $435 and took it home with a lot of pride.

I sure enjoy the device for its HD gaming experience and Dolby Digital 5.0 channel audio and its seamless integration with "XBox market place" which is a cool idea and I am starting to like it.

The only thing that isn't working out well for me is connecting the 360 to my PC. Will have to call tech support to figure that one out.

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