Sunday, November 27, 2005

FDA and the "Morning after" fiasco

There is no end to Bush's idealogical war which overrides common sense and forces people to see it the conservative way. I am deeply offended and pissed by an non-political (but governmental) organization like FDA sidestepping its responsibilities and procrastinating the decision. FDA should weigh any decision based on scientific evidence and the side effects of a specific drug. With conservatives in control, gone are the days where any department can make decisions based on the facts rather than their idealogies of the president or the forces behind him.

Link: Women are waiting.

Here is the timeline as available from the site. 4 years is a pretty long time:
November 14, 2005 : GAO report confirms "unusual" process for Plan B® application for over-the-counter status.
August 26, 2005: FDA misses its deadline for the third time.
January 21, 2005: FDA delays its decision on Plan B® again.
May 6, 2004: The FDA bows to political pressure and denies the application to switch Plan B® to over-the-counter status.
February 13, 2004: The FDA postpones its decision on Plan B® for 90 days.
December 16, 2003: Two scientific panels of experts at the FDA vote overwhelmingly to recommend the morning-after pill for over-the-counter sales.
February 14, 2001: 70 medical and public health organizations file a citizen's petition urging the FDA to make emergency contraception available over the counter.

God, please bless america and throw right wing conservatives out of power. We had enough. Let people make their choices and not the government.

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