Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Google is going to charge access fee

No, it is the other way around. Just wanted to have a sensational title! Here is what caught my attention and my OpEd following that:

SBC Head Ignites Access Debate
"...The head of a major telecommunications company stirred up a hornets' nest this week by suggesting that he wants to charge companies like Google and Yahoo a fee for bringing them into consumers' homes."

Sure SBC can say and make any claims they want to. But this is one of the stupidest things I have heard from my point of view. You know why? Web isn't a much useful place w/o a lot of sites like these and infact it is the SBC which should be paying sites like Google for bringing customers to them :-) It is not like SBC is providing the bandwidth free of charge and wants someone to pay. It is charging customers a lot for the bandwidth and the whole reason customers are ready to pay them is because they want to access content or services provided by these sites.

Think of the traditional TV broadcasting. It is the companies like Comcast, Dish & DirectTV who pay the content providers (like CBS, NBC, CNN..) to bring their content to the consumer's home and in turn they charge consumers a hefty sum for being the middlemen. Not the other way around.

I think it is time the SBC chief starts thinking about the new economy.

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